Cambodia royal politician who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1993 to 1994. A member of the royalist FUNCINPEC, he also served as Deputy Prime Minister from 2004 to 2006, and, concurrently, co-Minister of Interior with Sar Kheng. He is the son of King Norodom Suramarit.
It’s a great delight to have been a patron of IFAC for the past decade. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Dr Handa as a very good friend for the many years he has been in Cambodia, supporting the people and development of my nation.
Dr Handa’s philanthropy has ranged from the funding of a free hospital, to his role in establishing the University of Cambodia. His efforts at the University have seen more than 5000 students benefit from fully funded scholarships to fund their four years of tertiary education.
His support for the Red Cross has given thousands of Cambodians access to clean water. Meanwhile, his continued support for hospital care in Cambodia now covers fifty per cent of trauma patients receiving treatment each year.
While Dr Handa’s humanitarian efforts should be lauded, they should not in any way detract from the special opportunities he has also brought to my country in the fields of art and culture. I remember with great fondness seeing Noh theatre staged amidst the iconic temples of Angkor Wat and the great excitement we took in welcoming such a production to our country.
As Cambodia strides forward from the devastation of war, we remain conscious of how a shared artistic heritage can equip all Cambodians with a sense of pride in our nation and culture, which in turn will aid our nation’s continued recovery. As an honorary member of IFAC, I sincerely wish the foundation the best and hope my fellow members will continue to support its worthy endeavours.